Why Support Us?

  • Underprivileged people have few opportunities. Economic success as a musical artist is difficult to attain but is one of the few ways for underprivileged people to go from 0 to 1, socio-economically.

    You can help us create more opportunities and help artists secure them.

  • Diversity and representation - of different cultures, backgrounds, ideas - unifies people and fosters creativity and innovation. Homogeneity is repressive, not to mention f***ing boring. Fight alongside us.

  • Contributions not only help our grantees, it employs the peripheral artistic community - from photographers to stylists. Each grant we make impacts dozens of people.

  • We have a detailed strategy to expand our social impact while generating reoccurring revenue for the organization. Contributions now will fast-track us to financial sustainability and relieve donation-dependency. Contact us to learn more

  • We need your support. Now more than we ever likely will. We are a small organization with big plans and little runway. We need your support now to attain financial sustainability and hedge existential threats.

How To Support Us

  • Monetary donations help us a lot and can lower your taxes!

    Your donations go to support grants for artists as well as a strategic plan we have to expand our social impact, generate reoccurring revenue, and attain financial sustainability for the organization.

    Give one time or reoccurring cash donations.

    Give appreciated assets like stocks and cryptocurrency. Asset donations are up to 37% more tax efficient than cash donations!

  • If you have skills that you don’t provide as a professional service, you can always support us by volunteering. We always need help with:

    Translating English to Spanish and Vice Versa.

    Managing advertising

    Outreach to press, brands, and private donors.

    Additionally, if you’d like to offer your skillset more strategically, consider talking to us about becoming a member of the Board Of Directors or our Advisory Board.

    Please contact us if you are interested in getting involved in any capacity!

  • Please show our artists support too!

    Follow them and listen to them. They are talented and unique. Give them a shot. They deserve it.

    Follow them everywhere. Spotify. Youtube. Instagram. TikTok.

    Check-them out here!